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YongyuthKathoey said…
Uttaradit Rajabhat University
Ladyboys cannot thrive or succeed in society without individual and institutional sponsors. I am proud to say that Uttaradit Rajabhat University, my university, is finally becoming a leader in ladyboy rights. We have taken three steps to promote and secure ladyboy freedom. First, our student dormitories have a new ladyboy section in addition to the male and female sections. I have volunteered to be the Ladyboy dorm advisor and have already planned for a variety of pajama parties. Second, we have created a ladyboy mentoring program for ladyboys facing bullying or harassment. Finally, we have created a "Ladyboy for a Week" campaign where the President and Deans of Uttaradit Rajabhat University dress and act as Ladyboys around campus and at home for a week. I helped the President dress as a ladyboy and applied his make-up and it was all good fun. Any individuals or institutions wishing to folow the lead of Uttaradit Rajabhat University should contact me for more details.